Law library-HeinOnline question Laurel Cochrane 26 Aug 2006 20:59 UTC

Hi all,

Cross-posted—Duplication apologies.

Has anyone developed in-house procedures for maintenance of HeinOnline coverage
data, utilizing the ‘downloadable’ spreadsheet available from Hein’s website in
conjunction with H’s regular update notifications, Millennium (basic) modules,
MARC editing programs, MacroExpress, Excel macros, any other what-have-you
(free or inexpensive) software packages? I realize there are 3rd party vendors
and/or Millennium add-on products, etc. that could provide this service—but I’m
interested in an in-house (or mostly in-house) solution.

Not sure if this is a plausible scenario, but here’s general outline of what I’m

Download the HeinOnline Complete Collection spreadsheet.

Phase 1A
Manually enhance the spreadsheet with local .b numbers (student project.)

Phase 1B (concurrent with 1A)
Manually copy/paste coverage data from the spreadsheet into Millennium’s
MARC holdings (staff/librarian project)—OR—utilize MacroExpress, Excel
macros, MARC edit, something else? to get that data into MilHoldings records.

Phase 2
Utilize Hein’s Updates re: new titles, added coverage, etc. to automate edits
(somehow?) in MilHoldings records.

Also, if you manually edit coverage data using Hein’s Collection spreadsheet and
H’s update notifications, would you be willing to share any Technical Services
documentation/procedures you’ve developed?

Thanks in advance for help, tips, get-a-clue advice!

Laurel P. Cochrane
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame Law School 230
Notre Dame, IN 46556
