Panelist Needed for Charlston Conference Heather S Miller 28 Jul 2006 16:56 UTC

I am putting together a panel for this year's Charleston Conference and
am in need of a librarian who plans to attend the conference, who is
knowledgeable about e-journal subscriptions in a medium to large sized
library, preferably not in the eastern U.S. The conference is scheduled
for Nov. 9 - 11, 2006 (  We do not
have a time set for this panel yet.

The paragraphs below give a synopsis of the panel. Participants need to
have some views on the subject and be willing to state them, but I do
not envision panelists giving formal papers. There won't be time for
that. The panel name will change, too. I have three subscription agents
lined up, two librarians and two publishers. I am aiming for three
librarians and three publishers.

Spotlight on Subscription Agents: How has Electronic Journal Publishing
affected the Partnership Between Subscription Agents, Publishers and

Roles have changed as print journals evolve into electronic journals,
yet the players remain the same. Are we all on the same wave length?

This panel will explore what has happened to subscription agents as a
result of increasingly electronic publication of journals. Three
subscription agents will provide insight on the following (and other)
issues: How do subscription agents make money? How do their revenue
streams differ between the print and e-journal worlds? What pricing
models are used for e-journals ...  and why? How do publisher polices
affect subscription agents? What do subscription agents do in the
e-journal world? What are the effects of librarian demands  on
subscription agents?

Publisher representatives will present their own viewpoints as to the
role of subscription agents and their policies toward them. Librarians
will air their concerns, their expectations and disappointments,
regarding subscription agents, publishers and e-journals. All are aimed
at shedding light on the current status of subscription agents regarding
e-journals as well as what the future might bring.

If you have any thoughts about all this and/or would consider being on
the panel, please let me know. If you cannot join the panel, could you
suggest others?

Thanks very much! I hope to hear from you soon.

Heather S. Miller
Assistant Director, Division of Library Systems and Technical Services
University Libraries ULB34
University at Albany
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany NY 12222