Re: Nature issue Jenny Grasto 20 Jul 2006 18:58 UTC

We have also been unsuccessful in our claiming attemps, not only with this
particular issue, but all the issues for 2006 up through the May 18 issue.
At one point we were told the publisher had a bad address. We've been told
some of the issues have been sent, but we still haven't received them. We
have been receiving current issues, however.

Jenny Grasto
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105-5599


> The January 5, 2006 issue of Nature (v.439:no.7072) failed to arrive at
> our library.  Our vendor says that the publisher will not replace and
> it's in great demand on a replacement listserv.  Anyone know more than
> that?
> Thanks,
> Mary
> --
> Mary Williams
> Serials Librarian
> Minot State University
> 500 University Ave. W
> Minot, ND  58707
> (701) 858-4285