Re: Browsing or Current periodical collections Rosemary Burgos-Mira 09 Jun 2006 19:08 UTC


At my previous position in a university library, we implemented a current issues display area.  The collection was arranged by title and we only chose titles that were heavily used, mostly in education, psychology and political science. The titles were identified by a sticker.  I don't remember the exact number,  but it was around 200 titles.(only about a quarter of the whole collection)  The faculty and students loved it, expect that some titles disappeared as soon as we put them on the open shelves and had to be removed from the open shelve area. Other than that it worked well.  At the time that I left, there was talk on increasing the size of the open stacks collection.

Rosemary Burgos-Mira
Acquisitions/Gift Librarian
B.Davis Schwartz Memorial Library
C.W. Post Campus-L.I.U.
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548


From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Stephen Clark
Sent: Fri 6/9/2006 9:05 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Browsing or Current periodical collections

-----Original Message-----
From: hobbsh [mailto:hobbsh@NSUOK.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 12:43 PM
Subject: Bounced question

RE: Browsing or Current periodical collections

If you have a browsing or current periodical display area where you
place a subset of your subscriptions, I have 3 questions to ask.  We are
interested in re-arranging our browsing collection and wondered how
other libraries do it.  Thanks for your input.

1.  Is the collection arranged by:   Title
                                                     Call number
                                                    Other, please describe

2.  Is the library:   Public

3.   Approximately how many titles are in the browsing collection

Harriett Hobbs                                918 456 5511 x3285
Acquisitions Librarian                        918 457 2197 (fax)
John Vaughan Library                
Northeastern St University
711 N Grand Ave
Tahlequah    OK   74464