ALCTS Discussion Sat, June 24th: The eJournal Pricing Model Explosion: Three Perspectives Chamberlain, Clinton K. 08 Jun 2006 14:12 UTC

ALCTS Discussion Sat, June 24th: The eJournal Pricing Model Explosion:
Three Perspectives

If you're attending the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans and
interested in the rapid proliferation of pricing models for ejournals,
packages and aggregations, please join our discussion group. Ever
evolving pricing models offer benefits and challenges but may produce
unintended consequences. Panelists representing a commercial publisher,
a non-profit aggregator and an academic library will address this theme,
leaving ample time for audience participation.

Our panelists are:

.           Beth R. Bernhardt, Electronic Journals and Document Delivery

Librarian, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

.           Christopher M. McKenzie, Vice President of Sales, North and

America, Wiley InterScience, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

.           Susan Skomal, PhD, Executive Director, BioOne

Topics will cover:


.           What does a publisher consider in selecting a pricing model?

.           What data do you use in the modeling process?

.           When is it useful to have multiple pricing models?

.           Are consortial based models essential?

.           Have you considered methods for incorporating usage into

.           What are the potential challenges and advantages of various

.           What trends do you predict in the evolution of pricing


.           What pricing models are attractive to a librarian?

.           How does the size and type of library you represent change


.           What new developments in pricing models can you anticipate?

.           How do multiple pricing models affect consortial purchases?

.           Can you provide examples of unintended consequences?

This meeting of the ALCTS SS Journal Costs in Academic Libraries
Discussion Group takes place Saturday, June 24th from 4-6 pm in the
Morial Convention Center, Rooms 244-245.  Please come to learn and

For more information, please contact

Clint Chamberlain

Vice-Chair, ALCTS SS Journal Costs in Academic Libraries Discussion
Group Assistant Professor, E-Access/Serials Librarian Trinity
University, Elizabeth Huth Coates Library

One Trinity Place

San Antonio, Texas  78212-7200

Office: (210) 999-7613  Fax: (210) 999-8182