Re: Haworth's status? William Cohen 30 Jun 2006 17:57 UTC


Did you safely get my e-mail regarding the flooding disasters
in Binghamton?

All electricity in Binghamton is shut down because of the
floods. Our computer had battery-backup, but the telephone
lines collapsed and the computer powered down.  I doubt
if the T-1 lines would have worked anyway.

We are now pumping out the water, and have arranged
for office space on higher ground.   Our server should
be back in operation in several days.

We are searching for better catastrophe planning. In addition
to an automatic a gas generator & gasline supplies, we will
see if a "dish" operation could continue internet service
in a natural disaster in the future.

My own home office is in New York City, and is unaffected.

Chuck Hamacher is getting this news item on the Serialist
listserve at any moment.

Please confirm receipt!

Bill Cohen, Publisher & President
The Haworth Press, Inc.

Winward, Kyle D wrote on 6/30/06, 10:38 AM:

 > For the past two days we have not been able to access any of the Haworth
 > online journals. I attempted to contact their offices via phone multiple
 > times yesterday, but I only received a busy tone. Their offices are in
 > Binghamton NY on the Susquehanna so we are concerned that they may have
 > been affected by the flooding in that area. Has anyone happened to have
 > heard anything from their offices?
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Kyle D. Winward
 > Assistant Collection Development Librarian/
 > Assistant Professor of Library Science
 > Duane G. Meyer Library
 > Missouri State University
 > 901 South National Avenue
 > Springfield, MO 65897, USA
 > Office: 417-836-7695
 > Fax: 417-836-4764
 > Email:

Bill Cohen, Publisher
The Haworth Press, Inc.
10 Alice Street
Binghamton, New York 10011