Re: Haworth's status? Palmiter, Sherry 30 Jun 2006 15:47 UTC

I don't have specific information about Haworth, but you are correct
that their are offices are located on the river.  I grew up in the
Binghamton area; my extended family is there. So I have been following
the situation closely. The flooding has been devastating.

Binghamton University is scheduled to reopen today.  Perhaps someone
there may be able to provide some information.  Meanwhile, I suggest
that you not expect too much from Haworth for a while.  Please remember
that not only has the office likely been flooded, but staff will have
problems to deal with at home.

Sherry Palmiter
Serials Librarian
Lemieux Library, Seattle University
901 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA  98122

tel:  (206) 296-6204
fax: (206) 296-2572

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Winward, Kyle D
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 7:39 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Haworth's status?

For the past two days we have not been able to access any of the Haworth
online journals. I attempted to contact their offices via phone multiple
times yesterday, but I only received a busy tone. Their offices are in
Binghamton NY on the Susquehanna so we are concerned that they may have
been affected by the flooding in that area. Has anyone happened to have
heard anything from their offices?

Thanks in advance,

Kyle D. Winward

Assistant Collection Development Librarian/

Assistant Professor of Library Science

Duane G. Meyer Library

Missouri State University

901 South National Avenue

Springfield, MO 65897, USA

Office: 417-836-7695

Fax: 417-836-4764
