Brick and Click Libraries - Call for registration Brick and Click Symposium 20 Jun 2006 21:43 UTC

6th Annual "Brick and Click Libraries" program now online at <>

           November 3, 2006, Northwest Missouri State University

                   The deadline for registration is October 13th.

Previous attendee comments:

"I like the intimate, friendly atmosphere. All of the sessions were
amazingly relevant for what I've been dealing with and exposed me to new
ideas and ways other librarians were doing things. I found it much more
relevant than larger conferences."

"I gained more good ideas to take home in 1 day, than I normally do in a
2 or 3 day conference."

"The quality and depth of the presentations was excellent. No wonder
everyone says such good things about this conference."

"There are always great presentations at this symposium and it's filled
with practical and current topics. Everything is very organized & runs

"The location and timing (Friday) made it possible. The presenters were
excellent! The smoothness of the conference (organization) made it a
learning pleasure!"

"I liked the intimate, friendly atmosphere. All of the sessions were
amazingly relevant for what I've been dealing with and exposed me to new
ideas and ways other librarians were doing things."