ALA 2006: Hold Everything! Discussion on the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Helen E. Gbala 19 Jun 2006 22:24 UTC

Posted to multiple discussion lists; please excuse the duplication.
  The ALCTS/LITA MARC Format Interest Group (MFIG) presents:

Title:  Hold Everything!  Discussion on the MARC 21 Format for Holdings at

ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.

Date: Saturday, June 24, 2006

Time:. 1:30-3:30 PM

Place: Loews New Orleans Hotel           Room: Feliciana East
  Abstract:  The session will include a discussion on recent developments with the MARC 21 Format for Holdings, including OCLC's implementation, issues for holdings training and implementation, possible new applications, and implications for future evolution of the MARC 21 and NISO standards.

  OCLC's Implementation of MARC 21 Holdings in Connexion:   - Margi Mann and Cecilia Boone

  Training Considerations for MARC 21 Holdings:   - Frieda Rosenberg

  New Applications for MARC 21 and Z39.71 (e.g. ILL):  Holdings beyond Serials - Discussion

  Highlights on Changes to Z39.71 -- Helen Gbala

  Is there a disconnect between Z39.71 and MARC 21 Holdings?  What changes are need to the Current Standards for Holdings (MARC 21 and Z39.71):  - Helen Gbala and Gene Dickerson

  Business Meeting:  Electing a New Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for MFIG

  Helen E. Gbala
  Chair, ALCTS/LITA MARC Format Interest Group

  Eugene Dickerson
Vice-Chair, ALCTS/LITA MARC Format Interest Group
Cataloging Unit Head
National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, MD USA
Dickerson, Eugene (NIH/NLM) [E]" <>

Helen E. Gbala
gbala at