Re: Link Resolvers Lessie Culmer-Nier 19 Jun 2006 21:18 UTC
Hi again, on a different topic.   We just selected ArticleLinker from SerialsSolutions.  I'm attaching a document written to our director by our systems & e-resources librarian giving the reasons for the selection.  It would be best to use this without names and keep it for in-house use.   We looked only at hosted link resolvers because we don't want to administer it ourselves.   Good luck with your selection process.   Lessie

Lessie Culmer-Nier
Head, Cataloging and Periodicals
Drew University Library
36 Madison Ave.
Madison, NJ 07940
973-408-3477 (voice)
973-408-3770 (fax)

>>> "Johns-Masten, Kathryn" <kjohns-masten@SIENA.EDU> 6/15/2006 9:00 am >>>
Currently our library does not have a link resolver and we are in the
process of trying to pick one.  We have narrowed it to EBSCO, Serials
Solutions or SFX, however are willing to look at others.  Our ILS is
Innovative, we currently use Serials Solutions for our A-Z list and
EBSCO for our print journals.

What link resolver do you use?

Why did you choose that particular one (cost, ease of setup, targets and
sources, etc.)?

Appreciate any thoughts/comments.


Kathryn Johns-Masten
Serials and Web Resources Librarian
Siena College
Standish Library
515 Loudon Road
Loudonville, NY 12211
(518) 782-6765