New Orleans Program Announcement
Thomson, Mary Beth 24 May 2006 20:26 UTC
Join the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
(ALCTS) Leadership Development Committee and the Education Committee for
"ALCTS and Continuing Education: How to Build a Successful CE Course" at
the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans!
When: Saturday, June 24, 10:30am-12:00pm
Where: Morial Convention Center, Rm. 398-399
In real estate the mantra is "Location, Location, Location"; in
libraries, it's "Training, Training, Training." ALCTS continuing
education courses and workshops offer libraries the tools necessary to
support essential services and keep up with the latest trends.
Successful continuing education programs are the result of careful
planning. Learn the ins and outs of CE, including how to develop content
and adapt your presentation to new instructional technologies, and take
home concrete tips you can apply today!
Facilitator: Karen LeTarte, Assistant Head of Cataloging, North Carolina
State University Libraries (and Chair, ALCTS Education Committee)
Trisha Davis
Head of Serials and Electronic Resources Department Ohio State
University Libraries
Heather Dray
Educational Services Supervisor
Karen Wetzel
Distance Education and Reference Librarian George Washington University
For additional information, contact:
Mary Beth Thomson
Associate Dean for Collections
and Technical Services
University of Kentucky Libraries
1-85 William T. Young Libraries
Lexington, KY 40506-0456
859-257-0500 x2143
Fax: 859-257-8379