Re: Anyone using the ScholarlyStats service? Andrew Waller 23 May 2006 17:28 UTC

A couple of things in response:

1) ScholarlyStats do have a demo account you can play with (though no
trial proper).  We've just been set up with it though I have yet to have
a good look (a job for this week).

2) I have talked with a couple of subscribing libraries and they were
quite favourable in their evaluation of ScholarlyStats, though they were
both new to the product.  As for the price, both were OK with the costs
for what ScholarlyStats does (which mostly seems to be consolidation and
presentation of statistics).

Hope this helps.


Andrew Waller
Serials Librarian
Collections Services
University of Calgary Library
(403) 220-8133 voice
(403) 284-2109 fax

Rick Anderson wrote:

>(Please forgive the cross-posting.)
>O Collective Wisdom:
>Is anyone out there using the ScholarlyStats service?  We're thinking
>about signing up for it, but it's pretty pricey and they don't offer
>trial access, so I'd like to hear from others who might already be using
>Any input appreciated.  Thanks.
>Rick Anderson
>Dir. of Resource Acquisition
>University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
>(775) 784-6500 x273