ALA program - Catalog Transformed: From Traditional to Emerging Models of Use Amber Meryman 17 May 2006 13:16 UTC

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**Catalog Transformed: From Traditional to Emerging Models of Use**

RUSA-RSS "Catalog Use Committee", co-sponsored by RUSA-MARS "User Access
to Services Committee" Sunday, June 25 4:00 - 5:30 pm ALA Annual 2006
New Orleans Morial Convention Center - Rooms 295-296

Given the increasing Googlization of electronic resources in libraries,
should the catalog, serial lists, and database lists be accessed through
a single interface? If so, how will our users understand what they are
getting? If not, what are the risks to users and librarians of
maintaining separate systems for searching? We will hear a panel of
experts discuss emerging models of catalog use, the consequences of
maintaining separate systems, and how libraries are addressing the
changing needs and expectations of users.

Andrew K. Pace, Head of Systems, N. Carolina State Univ.; Columnist,
"Technically Speaking," _American Libraries_ Cindy Levine, Reference
Librarian for the Humanities, N. Carolina State University John Blyberg,
Network Administrator and Lead Developer, Ann Arbor District Library
Jina Wakimoto, Head of Cataloging, University of Colorado, Boulder Jill
Newby, English Language Literature & Writing Librarian, University of

Followed by audience Q & A.