Call for Registration Brick & Click 2006 Brick and Click Symposium 16 May 2006 23:00 UTC

Please join us for the 6th annual...

Brick and Click Libraries! <>

November 3, 2006

What:     An Academic Library Symposium

Where:   Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO

The symposium offers a wide variety of content for a reasonable price
($125).  Presentation topics include podcasts for distributed courses,
electronic resource administrative metadata, interactive citation style
instructions, instruction evaluation, and cataloging Web resources.

See the full program of session descriptions and presenters at:

During breaks and lunch, you'll have time to talk with colleagues from
other academic libraries who are experiencing similar on-campus/on-line
opportunities and challenges.

Comments from last year's attendees (used with permission):

  +  "I love the one day format with all content/presentations devoted
to items of interest to academic librarian. This has been one of the
best conferences I have attended."

  +  "I feel that this conference was well balanced, well planned and I
came away energized!"

To Register go to:\library\brickandclick\registration.pdf

Hope to see you at Brick & Click,

Kathy Hart, Carolyn Johnson and Patricia Wyatt

Coordinators, Brick & Click Libraries <>

Northwest Missouri State University

Owens Library

800 University Drive

Maryville, MO 64468

For more information: <>

(660) 562-1639