Re: Microform machine responsibilities Anne McCaffrey 12 May 2006 12:54 UTC

Good Morning, Christine,

      At Dowling College the microform reader printers are kept in Circulation Department where all materials are checked in and out and where many of the students use the computers. If microfilm becomes damaged, replacement copies are ordered through Technical Services where ordering of materials takes place.  The Library secretary is informed if the machines should need repair, etc.

      I hope this helps,
      Anne McCaffrey
      Advanced Senior Library Assistant/Serials
      Dowling College
>>> christine.freeman@TAMUK.EDU 05/11/06 10:19 AM >>>

I am curious about which department in your libraries are responsible
for the maintenance of your microform reader printers, and the reasoning
behind why that department has that duty. I am particularly interested
in academic libraries.




Christine Freeman
Serials Librarian

Texas A&M University - Kingsville
James C. Jernigan Library
700 University Blvd.
MSC 197
Kingsville, Tx 78363

