Endeavour ISSN 0160-9327 Barbara Pope 18 Apr 2006 17:15 UTC

Someone in my department recently brought the following to my
attention.  For some time, we have had a subscription to Endeavour (ISSN
0160-9327) published by Elsevier, according to the cover.  However, we
have been checking in our issues on a record for Endeavour published by
Pergamon Press.  I figured out that Elsevier owns Pergamon, but should
this be reflected in the marc record somewhere?  This threw my staff
here for a loop, thinking that we had the wrong marc record or
something.  I am not a cataloger, so that is why I am asking.

Thank you.

Barbara Pope
Reference/Periodicals Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg KS  66762