OCLC Connexion for Union List Sarah Tusa 06 Mar 2006 22:10 UTC

Has anyone tried updating his/her institution's holdings on the web interface
of OCLC Connexion?  I have gone through the tutorial twice now, and there
seems to be a step missing from the so-called "Final Actions."

I updated a record, clicked on the validate function and then clicked on
the "update record" function, once I got the happy "validated" status.

When I logoff from the server, however, I get a message that indicates
I have an "active record" for which the update work may not be saved if
I don't complete the task.   What is the missing action to complete and
save my work?  I realize there is further training available, but I just
need this one piece of information . . . at least for now!

The tutorial only mentions the "validate" and "replace record" actions.

To quote one of my favorite operas: "Zu Hilfe, zu Hilfe! Sonst bin ich

Please respond directly to: Tusa@almark.lamar.edu.   If there is interest,
I will share (and credit) the answers with the list.

Vielen Dank!
Sarah Tusa
Coordinator of Acquisitions, etc.
Lamar University