Re: FW: core claiming and/or serial special lists Ham, Deb 06 Mar 2006 18:03 UTC

RAL also uses EBSCO as our vendor. We have not yet done a core claiming
list -- we claim whatever does not arrive. RAL makes about 160-170
claims per month on 1528 print subscriptions. It generally runs about
10-11% of our total (print) collection. Some of the titles, though, take
multiple claims to get a response from the publisher. I agree that it
does take time, but some of the journals are VERY expensive and it would
be a waste of University money not to pursue the items or to try to get
our subscriptions extended (where issues are not available). Also, for
those items that we cannot get from the publisher, it can run anywhere
from $10-$60 to replace the issue from a back issue dealer and the cost
for that does quickly add up.

Debra Ham
Library Specialist -- Serials
Reinert-Alumni Memorial Library
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178