Serials Cataloging Policy Linda K. Heimburger 31 Mar 2006 15:23 UTC

We are brainstorming for common standards or guidelines for all of the
technical college libraries who share our catalog.

We are searching for sample serials policies for serials cataloging and
serial controls.

If you have standards, guidelines, or policies that all libraries on
campus share, or with libraries who share your catalog, written or
orally agreed upon, that you can share please send them to me at

Specific examples may be:

When you input your serials holdings, do you phrase it    2000-PRESENT
or 2000-CURRENT

How do you catalog "single issues" or only short runs of periodicals

Cataloging serials with title changes

Cataloging serials as a serial or monograph

I appreciate your time.


Linda Heimburger

Central Carolina Technical College

Sumter, SC