Re: Serials Solutions MARC records question Bothmann, Robert L 31 Mar 2006 12:48 UTC

No, no experience, but we are adding their MARC records as well, and I'm
wondering about the possibility of getting these brief ones cataloged
and into OCLC and how we can get a CONSER authentication on them.

With regard to your specific question, it seems strange that they can do
this on the CONSER records, but not the brief ones, so I'm curious what
creates this difference.

One option you might look into is to add these extra fields yourself
using MARC Edit.

Bobby Bothmann

Robert Bothmann
Electronic Access/Catalog Librarian
Assistant Professor, Library Services
Minnesota State University, Mankato
P.O. Box 8419, ML3097
Mankato, MN 56001
Voice: 507-389-2010
Fax: 507-389-5155

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Pennington, Buddy D.
Sent: Tuesday, 28 March, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Serials Solutions MARC records question


Three of our campuses have joined together to purchase Serials
Solutions' MARC records service.  We are using a single 856 field for
each campus on a particular bib and we have also asked Serials Solutions
to provide a 949 field for each campus.  The 949 is imported into our
Innovative system as an item record that enables scoping in catalog

After testing out the CONSER records provided by Serials Solutions, we
have decided to expand our profile to include brief supplemental records
(basically brief bibliographic records that Serials Solutions creates to
get as close to 100% coverage as possible).

Our issue is this.  Serials Solutions has indicated that they may not be
able to create the 949 fields for each campus on the supplemental brief
bib records.  We are trying to figure out how to handle this so that
item records are created when these bibs are imported so that our
scoping works properly.

If anyone out there has experienced this issue would you mind letting me
know how you handled it?


Buddy Pennington
Serial Acquisitions Librarian
UMKC - University Libraries
800 E. 51st Street
Kansas City, MO  64110
816-333-5584 (fax)

UMKC University Libraries: Connecting Learners to the World of Knowledge