Re: Korea Annual Christopher Allen Waldrop 13 Feb 2006 19:32 UTC

According to Swets the 2004 edition is the last one published; they
don't expect the 2005 edition until December 2006. They don't say
anything about the title having ceased. The supplier is the Yonhap
News Agency, and you can find more about them here:
<>. The 2004 edition is listed as the

I assume Harrassowitz is getting their information for a reliable
source, but you might want to ask them to double-check. Or maybe
they've gotten word that it will cease after the 2005 edition.

--On Monday, February 13, 2006 12:31 PM -0500 Chris Blackman
<Christine.W.Blackman@WILLIAMS.EDU> wrote:

> Harrassowitz has sent us notice that "Korea Annual"(LCCN
> 64006162; OCLC #1048667) has ceased with vol. 2005.  I have tried
> to confirm this, but the latest issue that we have is the 2003,
> the OCLC record is still open with an LIC of 2001, and I can find
> no publisher's information on the Web about current issuance of
> the title.  By a quick check of World Cat, I see that some
> libraries received the 2004, however I have not seen that anyone
> received a 2005.  Could someone who has the 2004 issue please
> tell me if there was any kind of notice that the title would
> cease.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> Christine W. Blackman
> Catalog Librarian
> Williams College Libraries
> Williamstown, MA  01267
> 413-597-4403

Christopher Allen Waldrop
Serials Coordinator
Order Services Department
Vanderbilt University Library
Ph: 615-343-3831
Fax: 615-343-8834