Re: Nature Problems? Christopher Allen Waldrop 09 Feb 2006 18:45 UTC

I don't know whether anyone from Nature Publishing Group can
provide any insight into this, but in my experience their customer
service has been terrible for a very long time. We've often
received warning notices that our subscriptions or access will be
cut off due to lack of payment even after we've paid. E-mails and
faxed copies of cancelled checks to their accounts receivable
departments often get no response, other than additional warnings
about lack of payment.

I have had good luck getting replies from their customer service
department in the United States, but only when I pick up the phone.
It may be too late for 2005 issues, but if you or your vendor can't
get help any other way you can call 212-726-9272.

--On Thursday, February 09, 2006 8:15 AM -0800 Carol Morse
<MorsCa@WWC.EDU> wrote:

> We also have had problems with delivery last summer. They did
> send a few of the missing issues a few weeks ago, but I'm
> wondering how we are going to bind them. Carol Morse
>>>> Jennifer.Vansickle@TRINCOLL.EDU 02/07/06 12:42 PM >>>
> We had a major problem last summer with 12 weeks' worth of
> non-delivery of Nature.  Our subscription agent reported numerous
> problems with unfulfilled claims, and we've gotten reports that
> many of these missing issues are out of print, even though we
> claimed in a timely fashion.  I would also like to hear from
> anyone lurking from Nature Publishing, but my interactions with
> customer service regarding this problem have been unsatisfactory
> to say the least.  I agree that this is probably the worst year
> ever for this subscription.
> Jennifer van Sickle MLS
> Serials Librarian/Sciences Coordinator
> Trinity College Library
> 300 Summit St.
> Hartford, CT USA 06106
> Phone: 860-297-2250
> Fax: 860-297-2251
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Skwor, Jeanette
> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 2:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Nature Problems?
> Thanks to all on this - the Dec 22/29 issue is combined only for
> date and is issue no. 7071.  Jan. 5 is 7072 (and a new volume).
> It finally dawned on me to check their website and that bears out
> what you have told me.
> Which brings me to question #2:  What is going on with this pub
> lately? They were so reliable for years and years, and the past
> few months have been horrid.  Issues not arriving, being told
> story after story ("delayed publication" vs "oh those went out on
> time, have your librarian recheck" vs "that issue is out of
> print" vs "we're sending that issue today" and now this piece of
> claptrap.
> And yes, if someone from Nature is lurking, I'd like to hear what
> you have to say.  This library has had more claims for this title
> in the past 6 months than in the 10 years preceding that.
> Thanks,
> Jeanette Skwor

Christopher Allen Waldrop
Serials Coordinator
Order Services Department
Vanderbilt University Library
Ph: 615-343-3831
Fax: 615-343-8834