Re: Nature Problems? van Sickle, Jennifer 07 Feb 2006 20:42 UTC

We had a major problem last summer with 12 weeks' worth of non-delivery
of Nature.  Our subscription agent reported numerous problems with
unfulfilled claims, and we've gotten reports that many of these missing
issues are out of print, even though we claimed in a timely fashion.  I
would also like to hear from anyone lurking from Nature Publishing, but
my interactions with customer service regarding this problem have been
unsatisfactory to say the least.  I agree that this is probably the
worst year ever for this subscription.

Jennifer van Sickle MLS
Serials Librarian/Sciences Coordinator
Trinity College Library
300 Summit St.
Hartford, CT USA 06106

Phone: 860-297-2250
Fax: 860-297-2251

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Skwor, Jeanette
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Nature Problems?

Thanks to all on this - the Dec 22/29 issue is combined only for date
and is issue no. 7071.  Jan. 5 is 7072 (and a new volume).  It finally
dawned on me to check their website and that bears out what you have
told me.

Which brings me to question #2:  What is going on with this pub lately?
They were so reliable for years and years, and the past few months have
been horrid.  Issues not arriving, being told story after story
("delayed publication" vs "oh those went out on time, have your
librarian recheck" vs "that issue is out of print" vs "we're sending
that issue today" and now this piece of claptrap.

And yes, if someone from Nature is lurking, I'd like to hear what you
have to say.  This library has had more claims for this title in the
past 6 months than in the 10 years preceding that.


Jeanette Skwor