How do you handle this title change? Shankle, Jean 28 Feb 2006 16:14 UTC

Here is a good one.  I need some help from those experienced minds that
deal with title changes.  The Association of Teachers of Mathematics had
two publications.  MT (Mathematics Teaching) and Micromath.  They have
merged them together, which isn't all that unusual.  What is unusual is
the new name.  The new name is: MT Incorporating Micromath.  That is
what it says on the title page and on the table of contents page.  They
have kept the same issue numbering that they used for MT (Mathematics
Teaching).  The publisher has told EBSCO that is the new name.  We
didn't want to believe them, but I now have the first issue and that
what it says.  Suggestions?  Ideas?  Catalog it has the new name?

Thank you.

Miss Jean Shankle
Periodical Librarian
Pensacola Christian College Library
Box 18000
Pensacola, FL 32523