best journal hosting sites Belcher, Wendy 27 Feb 2006 21:54 UTC

As the manager of a small academic press, I wanted to trouble the forum
members with a question a bit off topic (forgive me!). In your opinions
as serial librarians, which electronic journal hosting sites are the
"best"? Best being defined as, perhaps, the most responsive, the best
search capability, the cheapest, the most integrated, and so on.

We were to have our interdisciplinary (humanities and social science)
journal hosted by the University of California Press, but they decided
that adding outside journals was too much trouble and balked at the last
minute. So I am scrambling to get us online this spring. We used to have
our content online for free, but we found that libraries started to
cancel, so we took the content down. We don't have a lot of
institutional support and depend on subscriptions to survive.

I gather that these are the various journal hosting options we have:
HighWire Press: A division of the Stanford University Libraries, which
hosts lots of journals but seems a bit difficult to figure out
JStore: Since the older content is free, my impression is that libraries
may cancel
Project Muse: Ditto
Ebsco: Seems efficient, since we all deal with them anyway
Ingenta: Apparently raises prices a lot

I appreciate any thoughts.

Wendy Belcher
Press Manager
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
193 Haines Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1544
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