Dear Colleagues:
There are exciting opportunities for you to visit and to present/publish your paper in two conferences to be held in China in the summer of 2006. As a free professional service I am happy to coordinate these activities for you. We have the great pleasure to invite faculty of library schools, managers of libraries and information institutions, librarians and researchers to submit papers and/or to attend one or both the following Conferences:
I. 2006 Library Society of China (LSC) Annual Conference, Kunming,Yunnan Province tentatively in late July 2006. Kunming is a famous city for its scenic beauty and ethnic cultures in Southwestern China.
LSC main theme is: the Development of the Library and Building a Harmonious Society.
LSC sub-themes are:
v Human Touch of the Library to the Public
v Building Library Law Environment in China : Law Insurance and Profession (Trade) Self-discipline
v Building, Sharing and Services of the Library Digital Resources
v Guidance for the Public Reading in a Harmonious Society
LSC paper can be written in English or in Chinese or both. Presentation language is in Chinese. The deadline is March 31, 2006. Please submit your title, abstract (in both Chinese and English) and full paper to me before March 29 so I can send it to LSC by March 31, 2006. Please send your paper to me via email attachment follow by two hard copies and an electronic file save on a disk or a CD.
Please also send US$20 for the LSC paper review fee if you want to compete for the First, Second and Third Awards. Winning papers of the first and the second awards will be published in the 2006 LSC Conference Proceedings and the 2006 LSC Discussion Papers respectively.
LSC Registration Fee: tba.
II. The Third (SILF) Shanghai International Library Forum, August 17-19, 2006, Shanghai, China. The Shanghai Library is the host. Shanghai is China’s largest city -- a business, industrial, and multi-cultural metropolistan city in Eastern China.
SILF Theme: Management Innovation and Library Services
SILF sub-topics are as follows:
v Corporate Culture
v Marketing and Promotion
v Crisis Management
v Performance Measurement
v User Services
Please submit the abstract of your paper to me by March 15, 2006. The deadline for submitting full SILF papers is May 20, 2006.
Papers submitted shall be original research work or descriptions of practical experience, which have not been published in any other periodicals or proceedings. All the papers submitted will be peer-reviewed by the Professional Committee of SILF 2006. The Shanghai Library will publish conference proceedings. The accepted papers will be published in the proceedings. Library Management, a journal, will also publish selected papers from this forum as a special issues.
Please furnish the following information:
a. Title of paper
b. Abstract of the paper (no more than 300 words)
c. Author(s) and Organization
d. Author presenting the paper (in case of multi-authors)
e. Address including e-mail address, phone and fax numbers
Visit the SILF 2006 website at: for format of the paper.
SILF Registration Fee:
Early Bird:
Before June 30, 2006, US$180* per person. After June 30, 2006: $200 per person.
Special discount to the members of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) (10 or more for group price): US$160* per person. After June 30, 2006: $200 per person.
1. Conference registration fee includes conference materials, meals (dinner on August 17, 2006 and lunch and dinner on August 18, 2006), cultural event and beverage during the conference.
2. A receipt will be given to the participant upon his/her arrival in Shanghai.
For more information please contact:
Sally C. Tseng, Executive Director
Address: Chinese American Librarians Association
P.O. Box 4992
Irvine, CA 92612
Tel.: 949-552-5615
Fax: 949-857-1988