Auditors and cehck-in (RE: [SERIALST] Looking for other libraries that have eliminated check-in)
Rick Anderson 17 Jan 2006 14:42 UTC
> No, I'm not, thank goodness, an auditor. But I do know that we
> librarians make FAR too many decisions based on "what if" worst case
> scenarios than we need to. All too many libraries and library
> departments are managed by fear and worry, rather than common sense.
Just a quick note for the record: as a matter of fact, the University of
Nevada, Reno Libraries were audited this past year. The auditors showed
no interest at all in our check-in procedures (or lack thereof).
Thanks to all those who have responded to my query of last week. I hope
to have a summary compiled for the list by the end of this week.
Rick Anderson
Dir. of Resource Acquisition
University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
(775) 784-6500 x273