Re: Minor or major change in title? Steven C Shadle 10 Jan 2006 01:11 UTC

Just looking at title propers (correct me if I got this wrong):

Local 139 Wisconsin news --> Wisconsin news

(or because it appears you have an ambiguous title presentation)

Local 139 Wisconsin news --> Wisconsin Operating Engineers Local no. 139 news

I think nearly anyway you look at it, you can justify it as a minor
change.  If Wisconsin is not considered part of the corporate body name,
then the first change is just the deletion of corporate body at front of
title and the second change is movement and variation of corporate body.
Even if Wisconsin is somehow construed to be part of the corporate body
name, it still would be variants of the corporate body.

And then there's always the "In case of doubt, consider minor".  Hope this

Steve Shadle/Serials Access Librarian  *****
University of Washington Libraries      ***     Phone: (206) 685-3983
Seattle, WA 98195-2900                   *        Fax: (206) 685-8743

On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Maija Cravens wrote:

> Hello Serialists,
> I have trouble interpreting Rule 16.2.4 category iii: The name of the
> same corporate body is added or deleted anywhere in the title or the
> representation of the name is changed (e.g., from full form to an
> acronym or in the fullness of the hierarchy presented).
> Title on the publication previously: Local 139 Wisconsin news.
> Title on the publication now: Wisconsin news / |c Operating Engineers
> Local Union no. 139 Wisconsin news is also the running title); OR,
> interpreted differently: Wiscconsin Operating Engineers Local no. 139
> news.
> Would you consider this a minor change "in the fullness of the
> hierarchy" or a major change requiring a new record?
> Thanks,
> Maija
> ___________________________________
> Maija Salo-Cravens
> Head,  Catalog Section
> Division of Library/Archives
> Wisconsin Historical Society
> 816 State Street
> Madison, WI 53706
> (608)264-6522  Fax: (608)264-6520