Holdings for e-resources in OPAC and in OCLC? Birdie MacLennan 20 Jan 2006 20:26 UTC


I'm writing to inquire if there are any academic libraries using monthly
(or more frequent)  automated batch loads of MARC records to describe in
their OPAC their electronic resources (i.e., through MARC record services
offered by EBSCO, SerialsSolutions, ExLibris or other) who are also adding
(and/or deleting) their institution's holding symbol to OCLC records,
with each monthly batch load of MARC records ... primarily for ILL

Likewise, are there libraries who are doing monthly MARC record batch
loads who are not worrying about adding their holdings to OCLC records and
just keeping holdings data in their OPAC?

I am aware that OCLC was conducting a pilot project with various libraries
and vendors.  Is the pilot over?  Any lessons learned?

Feel free to respond to SERIALST or to me directly.  If interest warrants,
I'll be happy to summarize for the list.

Thanks in advance.

	-- Birdie
	Birdie MacLennan
	Bailey/Howe Library          E-mail:
	University of Vermont          Phone:   802-656-2016
	Burlington, VT  05405, USA        Fax:   802-656-4038
     Library Assoc. Prof. ; Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging, etc. ...