Invoice amendments from Swets?? Pennington, Buddy D. 15 Dec 2005 16:22 UTC

Hi all,

This is for Swets customers out there.  Are any of you getting reams of
reams of invoice amendments?  Our original invoices for 2006 had the
years for the subscription periods.  We are now receiving invoice
amendments (the latest is 40 pages long with around 8 titles per page)
giving the subscription periods and the volumes.

This means that staff have to go in and update those order records when
the information should have been provided in the original invoices.
Even though we can automatically load in invoices, I don't believe this
is something we can do for these amendments.

Just curious to know if anyone else is facing this situation.  Thanks.

Buddy Pennington
Serial Acquisitions Librarian
UMKC - University Libraries
800 E. 51st Street
Kansas City, MO  64110
816-333-5584 (fax)

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