Re: Electronic backfiles Lev Malov 09 Dec 2005 12:08 UTC

Please add Turpion journals to your list ( ).

We have launched Turpion Historic Archive - dating back to the first
English translation volumes.

Lev Malov
Deputy Director General
Turpion-Moscow Ltd
47 Leninsky pr.
Moscow 119991

Tel: +7 095 135 6417
Fax: +7 095 135 8860

SD> --On Thursday, December 08, 2005 9:56 AM -0700 Andrew Waller
SD> <waller@UCALGARY.CA> wrote:

>> Hi.  I'm trying to compile a list of the publishers that have or are in
>> the process of digitzing their backfiles.  Here's what I've got so far:
>> Elsevier
>> Wiley
>> Springer (including Kluwer)
>> Taylor & Francis
>> OUP
>> Who am I missing?  Anything incorrect in the above list?
>> Many thanks.
>> Andrew
>> --
>> Andrew Waller
>> Serials Librarian
>> Collections Services
>> University of Calgary Library
>> (403) 220-8133 voice
>> (403) 284-2109 fax