Re: print serials with cd or dvd - treatment Carol Morse 16 Dec 2005 19:37 UTC

We put them in the Media center, even though they are periodicals.
Carol Morse

Carol Morse
Serials Librarian

Walla Walla College Library
Periodicals Dept.
104 S. College Ave.
College Place, WA  99324-1159
509) 527-2684; fax 509) 527-2001

>>> JGarner@LIBRARY.MSSTATE.EDU 12/16/05 8:19 AM >>>
I've been reviewing the archives and found many relevant responses from
Serialst members.  The latest messages that I found however were from
2004.  We are re-evaluating how we treat CD's or DVD's received from
publishers when those items duplicate print serial holdings.

How are these materials processed in your library?  Is there enough
value added, especially if the CD covers a span of years of a title,
retain both the print and the CD?  If only one is retained, is the
preferred?  If you toss the electronic media, do you just toss them
without verifying content?

Thanks for your insight and advice.  Please respond off list to my
colleague June at:

June Garner
Coordinator of Cataloging
Mississippi State University Libraries