Archive CDs Available for MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Journals distributed by AIP Christine Orr 23 Nov 2005 17:07 UTC

Please excuse cross-posting.

Dear Colleagues:

As many of you are already aware, several journals published by MAIK Nauka and
distributed by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) will be transferred to
Springer as of January 2006, and will no longer be hosted on AIP's Scitation

Subscribers to these titles are entitled to receive archival copies of the
content to which they subscribed, for the years in which they held a paid
subscription. The content will be delivered to you as a set of PDF files on
CD-ROMs. You are free to copy that content to your own information networks and
redistribute it to authorized users under the same terms and conditions as
agreed to in your AIP/Scitation online journal user license. (See for the current

There is a production charge of $10 for each year of each title, with a minimum
purchase of $50. Subscribers to the AIP All and the AIP Translation combination
packages, or subscribers to each of the individual titles for all the years in
question, may purchase the entire set of published content, totaling 105 years,
for the discounted rate of $850.

Please contact us at to indicate your interest no later than
January 17 2006, and your CDs will be produced and shipped no later than April
15 2006. Orders will be accepted pending confirmation of a valid subscription
for the requested years.

Archival CDs will be available for the following titles & years:

Acoustical Physics   2000 - 2005
Astronomy Letters   2000 - 2005
Astronomy Reports   2000 - 2005
Crystallography Reports   2000 - 2005
Doklady Physics   2000 - 2005
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics   1997 - 2005
JETP Letters   1997 - 2005
*Low Temperature Physics   1997 - 2005
Physics of Atomic Nuclei   2000 - 2005
Physics of the Solid State      1997 - 2005
Plasma Physics Reports   2000 - 2005
Semiconductors   1997 - 2005
Technical Physics   1997 - 2005
Technical Physics Letters   1997 - 2005

* Note that Low Temperature Physics is published by AIP, and will not be
transferred to Springer. This translation journal is included here as it has
historically been part of the AIP-All and AIP-Translation package subscriptions.

Please contact AIP with any questions regarding this offer. We look forward to
hearing from you.

Lori S. Carlin
Director, Circulation & Fulfillment
American Institute of Physics
Melville NY USA
T: 1-800-344-6902 or 516-576-2270