Re: TARGET: Split Holdings and 852 Pennington, Buddy D. 06 Oct 2005 15:49 UTC

UMKC is part of the four-campus University of Missouri system and we do
share an offsite storage facility.

The criteria differs but tends to be duplicate materials and older
materials.  For example, our Health Sciences Library recently moved all
periodical holdings older than 1981 to the depository.

We treat the depository as a separate library location so we do split
the holdings .  Below is the holdings information from our OPAC.  We use
Innovative (still using character-based, but not for long!) so we use
separate checkin records to indicate the separate holdings.  And we are
not using MFHD so we do not use 852 fields.  I understand that
Millennium uses MFHD but we are not sure if it actually utilizes the 852
field or not.

Loc	UMK HSL Periodical    Periodical
LIB. HAS	v.87-(1980-)
Latest Received: 	September 2005 112:9

Loc	UMKC DEPOSITORY    Periodical
LIB. HAS	v.85-86(1978-1979)

I personally believe that it is easier on everyone if you treat the
offsite storage as a separate library location just like you would
reference or a separate library branch.  So you'd want to use separate
holdings records for the separate locations.

Buddy Pennington
Serial Acquisitions Librarian
UMKC - University Libraries
800 E. 51st Street
Kansas City, MO  64110
816-333-5584 (fax)

UMKC University Libraries: Connecting Learners to the World of Knowledge

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Rhonda Altonen
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 9:45 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] TARGET: Split Holdings and 852

	We are currently keeping our older journals and books in an
off-site storage facility, they are still available for circulation, and
it just takes a few days for us to retrieve them. Some questions have
come up, and I would like to get the input from the "compendium of all
human knowledge".

1.	How many of you are currently using an off-site storage facility
for back issues of journals or books?
2.	What are some of the criteria you use to decide an item or items
is moved there?
3.	Do you reflect the move in your holdings?
4.	Are you using split holdings?
5.	Are you utilizing the 852 field in any way?
6.	Any other comments/advice would be helpful.

Thank you,

Rhonda L. Altonen
Denison Memorial Library
4200 East 9th Avenue
Box A003
Denver, CO 80262-0003

Courier Code: UCHSC, Denver
P: 303-315-5536

"I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people
who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves."
Anna Quindlen
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are those of the sender alone and do not
reflect the position of the University of Colorado.