Position Announcement: Systems Librarian, Tenure Track, Eastern Connecticut State University SERIALST Moderator 22 Sep 2005 21:42 UTC

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:32:09 -0400
From: "ABATELLI, Carol (Library)" <AbatelliC@easternct.edu>
Subject: Tenure track job post

The J. Eugene Smith Library at Eastern Connecticut State University is
seeking to fill the following position.  Qualified applicants should
send letter of application, resume and three recent letters of reference

Ms. Patricia S. Banach
Director of Library Services
J. Eugene Smith Library
Eastern Connecticut State University
83 Windham Street
Willimantic, CT 06226

Screening will begin immediately and continue until filled.

Position Description:  Systems Librarian (Assistant or Associate

RESPONSBILITIES:  In conjunction with the library's professional and
support staff, develop services and programs that integrate information
technology and resources for the support of the instructional and
research missions of the University.  Together with the Library Computer
Specialist, coordinate planning, installation, training and operational
support for computer hardware, software, and networks dedicated to the
library's service and administrative functions, including the library
integrated system, stand-alone, and networked electronic resources in
various formats for on-campus and remote access.  Report to the Library


1. Coordinate the planning, evaluation, and implementation of the
library's information technology services, including the library's
integrated system (Innovative Interfaces Inc.), document delivery
technology, e-reserves, digitization, and other library functions.
2. Serve as technical advisor for the library's Web site development.
3. Set up, install, configure and provide operational support of
electronic resources for use in various academic and administrative
library functions.
4. Coordinate with the Library Computer Specialist in evaluating and
recommending hardware, and software for purchase.
5. Collaborate with the Library Computer Specialist in offering
excellent service to library staff, including troubleshooting, testing
and debugging software, informing library staff of system developments,
working with appropriate individuals to implement
enhancements/modifications, preparing documentation, etc.
6. Work with the library Systems staff in planning and delivering of
training sessions to both library professional and support staff.
Develop instructional materials as needed.
7. Maintain library systems tables; prepare database analysis and
statistical reports; create customized software as needed.
8. Represent the library in automated consortia as needed.
9. Work collegially with library professional staff and effectively with
support staff.
10. Participate in the library's service programs based on individual
skills and library needs.
11. Participate in service and professional activity in accord with AAUP
tenure requirements.
12. Relate well to a culturally diverse client population.
13. Keep abreast of current trends in information technology and


Required:  Graduate degree from an ALA accredited program, or an
equivalent graduate degree in library science, information science or
related fields. Significant experience using an integrated library
system. Hands-on technology experience and strong service orientation.
Relevant and up-to-date experience with  MS Windows system
administration, hardware/software troubleshooting, configuring of
computers, etc.  Knowledge of server and Web development technologies.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.  Good communication
skills.  Aptitude in learning and keeping up with information technology

Preferred: Experience in UNIX or Linux. Experience in academic
libraries.  Knowledge of MARC formats, OCLC, e-reserves, document
delivery, digitization, www programming languages (e.g. php, Perl),
supervisory experience. Planning and training experience.

Salary: Assistant Professor - Minimum $45,547 and Maximum $63,222
	Associate Professor - Minimum $56,265 and Maximum $78,097

Visit our Library online: http://www.easternct.edu/smithlibrary/