Nominations sought for Grants Manuel Urrizola 14 Sep 2005 19:43 UTC

Nominations sought for 2006 Sage Library Support Staff Travel Grants

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is
pleased to announce that nominations are being accepted for the 2006
Sage Library Support Staff Travel Grants.  Underwritten by a generous
contribution from Sage Publications, the Library Support Staff Travel
Grants (six to be awarded) make it possible for library support staff to
attend the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference to be
held in the summer of 2006.

The travel grants cover the expense of attending the conference,
including airfare, three nights lodging, and conference registration, up
to $1,000 for each recipient. Library Support Staff who currently are
employed in a full time support staff position, have a minimum of three
years of experience in an area of technical services (acquisitions,
cataloging, collection development/management, preservation of library
materials, serials), and have not previously attended an ALA annual
conference are eligible for the grants.

Successful candidates will be required to submit a brief report
describing their experiences at the annual conference.  This report will
be published in the post-conference issue of the ALCTS Newsletter Online
and also will be shared with the sponsor.   The ALCTS Membership
Committee will provide mentoring for each recipient.

To apply, send a letter, brief resume and a short statement (ca. 250
words) outlining why attending the 2006 ALA Annual Conference would be
beneficial.  A letter of support from the applicant's supervisor,
indicating the employer's support for the application also is required.
Applications and the supervisor's letter must be submitted in electronic
format, with all parts emailed as Word attachments. Please send all
documents to: Dale Swensen, Sage Jury,
<> .  For questions, please contact Harriet
Lightman, chair, Sage Jury,

 The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is December 1,
2005. Successful candidates will be announced on the ALCTS Web site
beginning February 1, 2006.  The ALCTS office will coordinate travel
arrangements and registration. For additional information on the grants,
visit the ALCTS Web site at

Manuel Urrizola
Head of Monograph & Government Documents Cataloging
UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-3146
(949) 824-2059 Fax