Mohawk College Cataloguing Electronic Resources Course Marcia Salmon 23 Aug 2005 13:51 UTC

The Library and Information Technician program at Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology is pleased to announce the following course, available Fall 2005 through distance education.

Course Description for LIBRLT306 Cataloguing Electronic Resources

Description: In this online course, you will apply traditional methods of cataloguing, using AACR2 and MARC21 coding, to direct access and remote access E-resources. Also, you will examine and evaluate alternative methods such as the Dublin Core. This course is a library option (elective) in the Library and Information Technician Diploma Program at Mohawk College.

You will need access to a Pentium class computer with Windows '95 or better on which you can install a copy of Centrinity's FirstClass ® software. You also need access to the Internet and a current WWW browser on the same computer.

The fee for this course is $113.87 for Canadian residents. The price of the course manual is $11.50. The course starts on September 12, 2005 and ends on November 18, 2005. The instructor for this course is Marcia Salmon of York University Libraries.

Participants in the course must meet the prerequisite requirement which is Mohawk's LIBRLT305 Descriptive and Access Cataloguing II, or be a graduate librarian or library technician. Students who do not meet these requirements may contact the Program Manager for permission.

For further information and registration instructions check our website at

or contact the Program Manager, Dolores Harms Penner at (905) 575-2309,

or email

Marcia Salmon
Cataloguing Policy Librarian
Bibliographic Services
Mills Memorial Library, Room 504/C
McMaster University
(905) 525-9140 ext. 26557