Re: Combining Materials Acquisition & Cataloging Departments (Scott Dahlem) Bob Persing 12 Aug 2005 20:15 UTC

Subject: Re: SERIALST Digest - 10 Aug 2005 to 11 Aug 2005 (#2005-160)
From: Scott Dahlem <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 08:06:50 -1000
To: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"

I've always heard that department called "Technical Services." IMHO the
biggest problem with choosing a creative name like 'information
processing and technology distribution' is that no one outside of the
library will know what you are talking about.

There is a public library is Arizona that changed the name of the
reference desk, to the "ask here desk." According to one of the
librarians, one of common questions from patrons is "Where is the
reference desk?"

-Scott Dahlem
Library Assistant
Health Sciences Library
John A Burns School of Medicine
University of Hawaii

Original message:

Date:    Thu, 11 Aug 2005 15:27:29 -0500
From:    "Guerin, Evelyn M" <eguerin@UTDALLAS.EDU>
Subject: Combining Materials Acquisition & Cataloging Departments

We are in the process of literally knocking down the walls and combining
the Materials Acquisition and Cataloging departments and making one

What are some of the names that some of you are using to call this
combined department?

Right now, we're using Technical Services, but we would like to use
something else.

Until the mess is over and they move my desk, I'm still using my old


University of Texas at Dallas
McDermott Library
Materials Acquisition/Evelyn Guerin
2601 N. Floyd Road
Richardson, TX  75080