Copyright Question DuBose, Stefanie 09 Aug 2005 16:18 UTC


Presenting for your consideration (I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone
today):  a digital copy is made of a non-circulating, published work and
sent to a user.  An extra copy of said work exists on CD as well.  The
original work is in good condition and under copyright.  My question is
twofold: as I review title 17, section 108, it appears that copies are
allowed only of unpublished works or of published works if it is
determined that a copy cannot be obtained at a fair replacement value.
The digital copy may not be made available in that format outside the

Am I interpreting this correctly?



Stefanie DuBose

Head, Acquisitions

Academic Library Services

East Carolina University

Greenville, NC 27858

