-----Original Message----- From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Albert Henderson Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:46 PM To: SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Open Letter to Research Councils UK: Rebuttal of ALPSP Critique on 23 Aug 2005 "Hamaker, Chuck" <cahamake@EMAIL.UNCC.EDU> wrote: > As usual in mentioning LSU's cancellations Al Henderson mis-represents > key elements of what was achieved. LSU subscribed to new journal titles > AND enhanced access to other titles through unmediated document delivery > as a result of the cancellations. There was little evidence that the > cancelled titles harmed the collection in any way. [snip] Congratulations to Chuck for making the best of a miserable, selfish management policy. LSU financed its library appropriately for a voc-ag or trade school while getting federal research grants designed to generate more and more publications. Throughout the early 80-'s LSU was actually in the top tier of library materials funding in ARL libraries the top quarter as measured by its membership on ALCT's "big heads" groups. Unlike any other research university that I reviewed, LSU held its library spending at zero growth, around $3.3 million for years while its sponsored research grew from $18 to $68 million. >From the 80's on, the library and state made major investments in two areas. 1. computerization throughout the library and campus, pulling wire, equipment, fiber optic, etc. In retrospect, this was a wise investment that enhanced research support ultimately. 2. aggregator databases on a statewide basis. What Al Henderson's numbers do not reflect for the mid 90's is the statewide purchases and the increase in resources for the whole state based on a major successful federal grant which has since been annualized by the state legislature. These figures were never in any individual library's budget as far as I know. In addition, at the time 3 million was a respectable figure for any academic library spending on materials budgets (and still is depending on the institution). As a leader in statewide multi-type library consortia, Louisiana did its best in a state where the budget is counter-cyclical to the rest of the country. LSU's financial achievements as a 'research university'were at the expense of: (A) the commons, since its strategy caused subscription rates paid by other libraries to rise: 1. because remaining subscribers had to share the burden, This argument has been used a great deal by Al Henderson. There is actually pretty good evidence that publishers priced based on non-existent cancellations, on non-existent page increases, etc. In projecting income in the future they assumed more cancellations than actually occurred and more pages than they actually produced. 2. by generating increased numbers of articles, adding to production. LSU's output didn't seriously increase "production" issues overall. In fact of the matter some major publishers routinely raised prices on titles where they decreased production. (Pergamon journals were a particular problem in this area) and then there was Gordon and Breach which collected money far in advance of publication. The abuses by publishers of the system are well documented and have been for 20 years. Al's blame the libraries approach has been overwhelmed by contrary evidence. (B) serious researchers who were forced to find articles through secondary publications rather than browse each incoming issue -- or to pay for their own subscriptions with grant monies. I'm unaware of this being true for the campus as a whole or for researchers on the campus individually. I think, given the high visibility the serials reviews had on campus, and how participative the process was (we met individually with each department to discuss the processes) I would have learned if this were true. It was never raised as a what you are making me do. We actually got testimonials that we had improved access to research sources through judicious cancellations, table of contents services, unmediated document delivery and new journals. The evidence is exactly the opposite of Al's conclusions: cancellations stayed in budget, and supported the core literatures necessary to support research. The two articles I referenced provide evidence of the outcomes. The real question for large research libraries was and still is are you spending too much on serials you don't need when it comes to big commercial publishers. Recent usage data in the electronic arena suggests many libraries are still over-purchasing with "big deal" purchases in many collections. Phil Davis demonstrated this conclusively with regards to the Academic IDEAL package and NERL libraries. My research at UNC Charlotte reported at the ASA in London and cited in the UK Select Committee's Parliamentary report demonstrates the same skew. A few key titles are being used to sell a lot of less important titles. That principle doesn't vary, and has been used since at least before World War II by publishers to push material that doesn't have much value, while pricing it at premiums. Thanks for the comment. Best wishes, Albert Henderson Former Editor, PUBLISHING RESEARCH QUARTERLY 1994-2000 Contributor HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA (ABC-CLIO 2002 Chuck Hamaker UNC Charlotte