Re: Etudes francophones Dickie, Betty 19 Jul 2005 14:15 UTC

I'm attaching an email that will help explain this.  We received the Etudes Francophone issue also and I contacted CIEF about it.  Here is the reply:

Thank you for informing me of the arrival at your library of a journal entitled Etudes Francophones. Those who have sent you this journal are making unauthorized use of the title and its ISSN. The title Etudes Francophones is a registered, official trademark of our scholarly association, Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones, and this title and its ISSN are no longer in use.

I am forwarding to you the letter (see below) that I just sent to the Library of Congress on this matter.

This summer you will receive volume 20.1 of our association's journal Nouvelles Études Francophones, which will continue the series. No changes should be made on your listing.

Thank you again for your vigilance. Best wishes for a happy 4th of July,

Catherine Perry

Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Alice J. Rhoades
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:55 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Etudes francophones

Does anyone have any information about a title change for the serial,
Etudes francophones (1093-9334), issued by the Conseil International
d'Etudes Francophones?

In Vol. 19, nr. 2 (automne 2004) it had the title: Nouvelles etudes
francophones : NEF, and a new issn, 1552-3152, and a note on the verso of
the title page indicating this is a title change.  Now I recently got an
issue, Vol. 20, no. 1 (printemps 2005) with the original title, Etudes
francophones, with the original issn and the subtitle: Dossier thematique:
bande desinee belge.

There's a record for the original title in OCLC that gives Nouvelles etudes
francophones in a 785 line indicating that it is a continuation in part,
but I'm not really clear what the relationship between all these titles is,
and wondered if anyone had any additional information.


Alice Rhoades
Alice J. Rhoades
Serials Catalog Librarian
Fondren Library MS44
Rice University
P.O. 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892

phone:  (713) 348-8713
fax:    (713) 348-5862