Re: subscription agent service fees question
Beth Burleigh 24 Jun 2005 11:38 UTC
Our library uses Ebsco Subscription Services. I believe we pay 3-4% service fee for our print subscriptions. We are totally statisfied with the quality of their service. Emails are returned usually the day you send them with a reply or answer to your question. Their customer service department is wonderful. I have never had a problem with their service since I started working in our library almost 7 years ago.
They handle serials, both print and electronic, standing orders, databases, and some books.
Beth Burleigh
Beth Burleigh
Serials Assistant
Penn College Library
One College Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-5799
Phone: (570) 320-2400 ext. 7454
Fax: (570) 327-4503
>>> CreechA@CWU.EDU 06/23/05 6:12 PM >>>
I am trying to determine what a reasonable service fee would be for my
library's title mix. Can anyone help me out with this?
Anna L. Creech, MLS
Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian
Central Washington University
Serials Department - Library
400 E. University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7548
(509) 963-1718