Call for nominations--ALCTS Electronic Resources IG
Jina Wakimoto 13 Jun 2005 22:32 UTC
The ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group is seeking
volunteers or nominations for the position of
Vice-Chair/Chair-elect. The position involves a 2 year term
as Chair-elect and the second as Chair of the group. The
Chair for 2006 will be Angela Riggio of UCLA.
Duties for the Chair-elect and Chair include arranging for
meeting space and equipment at ALA Annual and Midwinter
conferences, arranging for guest presentations or Programs at
meetings of the Interest Group, and reporting to ALCTS about
each meeting
If you are interested in becoming Chair-elect of the ALCTS
Electronic Resources Interest Group, please contact Angela
Riggio at the email address or phone number listed below.
Phone: (310) 825-4092
Thank you for your interest in the Electronic Resources IG.
Jina Choi Wakimoto
Chair, ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group