Holdings in OCLC (2 messages)
SERIALST Moderator 12 May 2005 21:40 UTC
2 messages:
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 10:08:00 -0400
From: "Anna Hood" <>
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Holdings in OCLC
As a general rule we do not add holdings for free e-resources as they are,
by definition, freely available to all. This includes Directory of Open
Access (DOAJ) titles which we include in our OPAC. Our procedures
reference the OCLC guidelines for contributing holdings information at
Anna Hood
Head, Serials and Electronic Resources
Assistant Professor
Kent State University Libraries and Media Services
PO Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001
330-672-6315 (phone)
330-672-4811 (fax)
Janet Chisman <chisman@WSU.EDU> wrote:
> We have been debating the value of adding holdings in OCLC to free
> electronic resources. Does anyone have any pros/cons to not adding
> these holdings. Any overwhelming reasons for adding them?
> Thank you.
> --
> Janet Chisman
> Head, Serials and Electronic Resources
> Washington State University
> Pullman, WA 99164-5610
> 509.335.4941 (voice)
> 509.335.9589 (fax)
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 11:38:59 -0500
From: "Heather Cannon" <>
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Not adding Holdings in OCLC
I agree with not listing electronic resources that are free to all.
However, I have not found it to be true that "free with subscription" or
even electronic-only subscriptions always prohibit ILL. I've actually
found that _most_ allow it, as long as the article is first printed out
in hard copy and then sent to the requesting library. This varies, of
course, by publisher, and takes some work to go look at each publisher's
However, as I said, I've found that for most titles, we can use the
electronic resource for interlibrary loan and I don't understand why so
many people seem to think that licenses almost always prohibit it.
Heather Cannon
Serials & Electronic Collections Librarian
Loyola University Health Sciences Library