Holdings in OCLC -not adding Koveleskie, Judith 10 May 2005 21:52 UTC

I am not in favor of doing this:

1.  If they are really free, anyone can use them and should make the link
in their own catalog.

2.  You would not want this ILL traffic.

3.  The environment is not stable and updates will be time-consuming.

4.  If they are "free with subscription" the licensing agreement will
probably not allow you to share them so why list them?

Judith A. Koveleskie
Periodicals Librarian
Seton Hill University
Reeves Memorial Library
Greensburg, PA  15601


From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Janet
Sent: Tue 5/10/2005 2:38 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Holdings in OCLC

We have been debating the value of adding holdings in OCLC to free
electronic resources.  Does anyone have any pros/cons to not adding
these holdings.  Any overwhelming reasons for adding them?

Thank you.
Janet Chisman
Head, Serials and Electronic Resources
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5610
509.335.4941 (voice)
509.335.9589 (fax)