Voyager Question--Displaying in Opac Melissa Farley 10 May 2005 14:25 UTC

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to have Voyager automatically
display a certain number of recently received issues in opac.

Currently, we have to make issues display or not display in opac during
check-in, each time.  I know several journals haven't been "undisplayed"
in a while, creating a long list of recent issues when the patron looks
in the catalog.  Is there a way that we can set Voyager to automatically
only display about 5 recent issues at a time, without having to change
it  manually?  (Even being able to set this up title by title would be
helpful, as it would only have to be done one more time for each title.)

No one here knows how to do this, and they're all doubtful that it's
even possible.  So, I thought I'd ask the list.  You never know...


Melissa Farley
Library Technical Assistant
Irvine Sullivan Ingram Library
University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA 30118

(678) 839-6498
