Summary: "favorite" title history
Thanks to all who responded with "favorite" examples of convoluted title
histories. I was remiss in my original post in not referring to the
Worst Title Change of the Year Award, which is of course an excellent
source of titles suffering from identity crises. The URL for the award,
with lists of winners since 1984, is:
Here are the titles that folks mentioned in response to my query. (This
being a summary, I've left out the commentaries, which may be found in
the SERIALST archive for April, 2005.)
Organic gardening (7 mentions)
Instructor (7 mentions)
Atlantic monthly (5 mentions)
Parents magazine (4 mentions)
Geographical-The Royal Society magazine (3 mentions)
Dr. Dobb's journal (2 mentions)
Saturday review (2 mentions)
New statesman (2 mentions)
Financial executive (2 mentions)
Air & space power
Professional builder
Nursing & health care
Acta metallurgica
Journal of health, physical recreation, and dance
Modern maturity
National real estate investor
Apparel industry
AATCC review
Industry week
National underwriter...
National real estate investor
Journal of applied meteorology
Bulletin of Hispanic studies
Michigan State law review
Popular photography
Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care
Comptes rendus
Two people contributed examples of newspapers that have particularly
difficult title histories. The Pittsburgh post-gazette has had 200+
titles since 1786. Bob Dowd contributed T.I. Park ____, which changed
its name weekly for a while.
Many thanks to all who contributed. This gives me ample fodder to
torment the students in my serials course. For the curious, the titles
I've used in previous years for the assignment to reconstruct the title
history of a serial were: Organic gardening, Instructor, Drama review,
Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, Education
and training of the mentally retarded, and U.N. Chronicle.
Thank you,
Steve Black
Reference, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
The College of Saint Rose
392 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203-1419