Re: performance evaluation criterion Susan Shelly 31 May 2005 13:23 UTC

Elena, et al:
I come from a nursing and business point of view; librarianship is a new
career for me.  I think using productivity as a criterion depends upon what
is being measured.  It seems appropriate to me that a professional is
evaluated on the basis of projects completed, or the productivity of those
one supervises.  Besides vision and guidance, management's job is to
provide those one supervises with the ways and means to get the job done.

If you are looking for other objective measures, I think a manager's
effectiveness is also related to expenses not increased or money
saved--yes, with all the disclaimers, facts and figures about serials
costs, buying power, etc.--and resources made available to users.

Come to think of it, a lot would depend on exactly what the job description
says.  If it describes productivity, or completing specific tasks as a job
expectation, it is entirely appropriate.  If not, I think there is room for

Just my two cents.
Sue S.

Susan C. Shelly
Librarian, Serials and Services
Good Information Gateway and StudyHub (GIGS)
1700 South Main Street
Goshen, Indiana 46526

At 11:29 AM 5/29/2005 -0700, Elena Romaniuk wrote:
>Would you please send me your thoughts about productivity as a
>criterion in the evaluation of the work of serials librarians and/or
>heads of serials departments?
>Thank you,
>Elena Romaniuk