Re: Brief records for e-journals in OPAC? Patricia French 27 May 2005 17:09 UTC

A number of UC campuses are maintaining full cataloging, single record
approach records by overlaying updated records with field protection for
local fields.  My campus, UC Davis, is in the process of implementing this
but have not done it yet.  UC Santa Cruz has been updating their records
this way since the beginning of the CDL Shared Cataloging Progran in 2000.
UCLA has just moved to the overlay updating process recently.

This works for the Shared Cataloging Program because UC libraries have
agreed to all use the single record approach.  The incoming update records we
receive from the SCP are MARC records based on the print with updated
fields.  Because they match the original received record, they can just
overlay every time there is an update.  It was a bit of a leap at the
outset for catalogers to accept automatic overlay of the entire record but
the benefits proved themselves very quickly.


Pat French                         
Head of Serials                              Phone: (530) 752-6735
University Library                           Fax:   (530) 754-8785
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA  95616-5292


On Thu, 26 May 2005, Birdie MacLennan wrote:

> Greetings,
> Like everyone else, we are exploring faster and more efficient ways to
> keep up with e-journal titles, current URLs, and holdings data.  We
> subscribe to Serials Solutions' A to Z list and are using this to generate
> a web list of all our titles.  We've been cataloging individual titles in
> a single record approach in our OPAC.  The A-Z list picks up on these, as
> well as titles we have in full-text databases.  We've not been able to
> keep up with full-text database titles and/or to add them as individual
> bib records in our catalog.
> It has been suggested that we investigate adding "brief" e-journal records
> to our catalog to provide links to e-journals.  I'm not sure exactly what
> this means, but have been asked to explore the possibility.  So ... I'm
> wondering, is anyone else adding any kind of brief records to their
> catalog to generate access to e-journals?  If so, how are you creating the
> records and holdings data?  Are you adding the records manually
> (in-house)?  Using vendor or publisher supplied MARC records?  Using
> OpenURL or Link Resolver services?
> Is anyone still using a single record approach (print, microform,
> electronic on one record) and finding a way to incorporate automated
> maintenance for URLs and multiple holdings into a single bibliographic
> record approach?
> Probably more questions here, than answers.  Any information, discussion,
> suggestions, etc.  would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
>         Birdie MacLennan
>         Library Associate Professor
>         Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging
>         Bailey/Howe Library
>         University of Vermont