OCLC E-Holdings Pilot Carney,Bill 26 May 2005 15:07 UTC

Regarding the recent questions about adding holdings to OCLC WorldCat
for e-serials, I wanted to inform the members of SERIALST of a new pilot
that OCLC is conducting.  The pilot will test a new service concept
beginning in late June that allows participating libraries to set
holdings for licensed digital content in OCLC WorldCat automatically,
without increasing library workloads.  During the pilot, OCLC is pleased
to be working with TDNet, EBSCO and Serials Solutions.  We're currently
discussing the pilot with other potential pilot partners.  Here's how it
will work:

1. Pilot libraries will authorize EBSCO, TDNet or Serials Solutions (or
additional partners as available) to send e-serials holdings directly to
2. OCLC will set and maintain the holdings at the journal title level on
appropriate WorldCat records describing e-serials.  A future pilot will
test setting holdings at the copy-specific detailed level
3. Our partners will provide monthly updates to the holdings data to
ensure currency in WorldCat
4. Finally, we are asking libraries to register their OpenURL resolver
with OCLC.  This will assist in redirecting requests for content related
to e-serials represented by the holdings set in WorldCat to the
library's OpenURL resolver.

The goal of the pilot is to facilitate increased discovery and usage of
a library's electronic resource collections by revealing them to
patrons, the public, and staff through:

*         OCLC WorldCat via FirstSearch
*         OCLC Resource Sharing services
*         The OCLC Open WorldCat program
*         Library OPACs through an optional bibliographic record
delivery service, offered on a trial basis in a later phase of the pilot
*         Other services used by those seeking information regarding
electronic serials

The pilot will also enable participating libraries using the new OCLC
WorldCat Collection Analysis service to see both print and electronic
serials, providing a more complete picture of their total collection.

We are limiting the pilot to approximately 20 libraries and have already
begun recruiting based on suggestions made by our pilot partners.  If
you have any questions, please feel free to contact me off list.

Bill Carney
OCLC, Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
6565 Frantz Road
Dublin, OH  43017
carneyb at oclc.org <mailto:carneyb@oclc.org>
http://www.oclc.org <http://www.oclc.org/>